Are you living an unhappy and meaningless life?

You know something needs to be changed

I help Korean American women to discover who they truly are and pursue living successful and fulfilling lives with CONFIDENCE.

You want to feel
freedom & confidence.

You want to restore & have happier relationships.

You want to live a
successful & fulfilling life.

Sad Asian Woman

You did your best to live what was expected as a Korean American woman, and yet, you feel like something is missing even as a Christian.

  • You don’t feel confident and appear to be happy, but you truly are not inside.

  • You devote your life for your family, and raising kids as expected as a Korean woman. But, you feel something is missing.

  • Your relationships are unfulfilling and you feel disconnected from people you love.

  • You feel lost and have no direction in your life.

You can’t begin to imagine how your life could look and feel different than it does now.

Here’s the truth.

It is possible to live a happy life with CONFIDENCE.

You can discover and value who you truly are.

You feel worthy and confident that you are making a difference in the world.

You discover your purpose in life and  move forward living a fulfilling life you were meant to live.

You can restore and improve broken relationships with people you love.

You can start living your best life with a clear direction where you want to go.

Your life can be better than you ever imagined.

Your life can be better than you ever imagined

Currently, I am a Certified Life Coach and Certified Life Purpose Coach at Life Coach School. 

Also, Licensed facilitator for the personality assessment called ‘Difference’.

My Signature Mindset Coaching process is a process created by combining all the strengths of each certified coaching.

It is specifically designed to help Korean American Christian women gain confidence, live more fulfilling lives, and live out their true identity in Christ.

Therefore, if you want to feel worthy and live with confidence.

  • If you are ready to discover who you truly are in Christ

  • If you are ready to have a happier relationship with your loved ones

  • If you want to discover your purpose and live a more fulfilling life

I want to talk about how I can support you on your journey.

Book a free mini-session to find out how and why you're unhappy.

Here’s How I Can Help Work

Work with me 1:1 for personalized Private Moving Forward Mindset coaching to support and achieve what you desire.

01 Pick a time

Schedule a session to discover where you are in life. We can talk about how I can support you and help you reach your goals.

02 Work with me

To (re)gain confidence, restore and build happier relationships with people you love. Move forward living a successful and fulfilling life.

03 Enjoy your life

Feel a deeper connection to God and all of your relationships, confidently moving through your day to day, knowing that you are living a life with more possibilities than you ever imagined.

What My Clients Are Saying

  • I was lost and was just doing life. There was no meaning in life. Now I am living with more confidence than ever. I became a stronger and caring leader in the company. I have an enjoyable relationship with my son and husband that I did not have before. We are creating a library in the company I work at, for me to fulfill my dream of being a librarian. I discovered my purpose. It was all possible because of Coach Sandy.

    - Alice K -

  • My 16-year-old son said to me “Mom, I will only come home when it is your funeral when I leave to go to college.” That is how bad my relationship with my son was. With Sandy’s Mindset coaching, I enjoy happier relationships with my two sons and I could not be any happier. I am thriving and successful at what I do. I am looking forward to discovering what is possible for my life and move forward to living a fulfilling life.

    - July L -

  • I could not finalize and make a decision of my divorce for four years. I had a fear that I may get settled with less than what I wanted. With Sandy’s coaching I had so much confidence and courage in the decisions I made so I was able to settle my divorce with far more than what I expected. I can not thank Coach Sandy enough.

    - Grace L -

  • Coach Sandy helped me so much. I had social anxiety and never applied and worked in a job. With Sandy's coaching, I started applying for jobs and landed a job and started working finally for the first time in my life. With mindset coaching, I am so confident and motivated. I lost 15 lbs within a few months. There are so many more success stories to share. I am showing up as who truly I am and living my best life now. I do believe she is the best.

    - Laura T -


You were missing out and it is not your fault

I Will Help You To Live The Thriving And Successful Life You Were Meant To Live.