I see you my friend

You’re exhausted. You’re doing everything for everyone. 

You are living, but you are lost.

You want to feel ALIVE. 

Today, I want you to know that you are not alone in feeling this way.

I was right where you are.

I’m Sandy Ro, a life coach for women who feel stuck in their lives and careers and want to move forward with purpose. 

I was a superwoman and supermom. I was everything for everyone else around me. That was all I knew how to do. I did not know what I wanted and how I wanted to live my life.

I was lost.

Deep down, I was longing for a life with more meaning and purpose. But I did not know how to change that for myself. I didn’t understand that I should take the time to listen to my heart. I was too busy making a living instead of living my life.

For a few years, I worked as a Registered Nurse soon after I came to the U.S  from Korea with my husband as a newlywed. Then I got involved in starting and running a small business with my husband and focused on being a devoted wife and a mother of two boys.

Everybody thought we were successful as a family. But, I wasn't happy.  |

One night, I happened to watch one of Oprah’s TV programs. The show featured Cheryl Richardson, a life coach, and her transformed clients. I watched the story of a lawyer who became an artist and a school teacher, and then transformed into an author of children’s books.

Such inspiring transformations! For the first time, I thought about what might be possible for me and my life.

I found myself saying, “Oh, I want to be a life coach who helps transform women’s lives!”  

However, my life went on without much change. My role as a wife, a business partner, and a mother was consuming all of my energy. Many years passed by not taking time to discover or question the meaning of my life. After many sharp turns in life, including my husband’s passing, I found myself slowing down.

I remembered Oprah’s show about the life coach Cheryl, and my heart recalled the longing I felt on that night. 

That reignited passion led me to become certified by Life Purpose Coach International and trained as a PATH leader by Laurie Beth Jones Inc.

With these two programs under my belt, I was ready to fly with my mission statement clear and strong.

So I thought…

Even though I was clear on my purpose and path, taking steps forward to live my life’s mission was not as easy and simple as I had imagined. I often experienced fear, self-doubt, and low self-esteem due to my perfectionistic tendencies. I would move forward one step and I was thrown back two steps. I could not understand why.

Wasn’t knowing my purpose and passion enough?

It was then that I was introduced to mindset coaching - taking a look at by thinking and how it was contributing to how I felt and how I showed up on my life. 

This gave me the fuel I needed to move forward.

Mindset coaching was the tool I needed to become unstuck. My life started to change for good when I was experiencing mindset coaching.

I was being transformed from the inside out.

Mindset coaching certification through The Life Coach School fully equipped me to live my dream life: a  life coach who transforms other women’s lives.

This is how Moving Forward Mindset Coaching was born.

All the training and coaching experience of many women has given me so much confidence. 

I am burning with passion to help those who are stuck and lost.

Moving Forward Mindset Coaching is designed to get you unstuck from wherever you are and help you move forward toward a life with more freedom and confidence.

I can truly say that I am living with more freedom and confidence, and I’m passionate about my life - just as  I envisioned on that day of Oprah’s show.

I am a proud mother of two sons and beautiful daughters-in-law. I love nature walks in the woods and on the beach. In my spare time, I am enjoying a newfound love of watercolor painting.

Let me be an example of what is possible for you and your life.

If you are feeling stuck and lost or looking to experience life with passion and confidence,

I am here to chat with you


Promote, Inspire, and Influence others to live a Fulfilling Life. 

Ready to take the next step?

I believe there is a reason why we’re connected.

Changing your life is possible.