Goodbye worry - hello calm!


If someone told you that you can stop worrying altogether, would you believe it? Is it really possible to stop worrying?

The answer is “YES”! 

(And no, I am not from another planet.)

It is possible to stop worrying when you understand the true nature of "worry".  Worry is not facts. Worry happens only in your mind. Because worry lives in your thoughts (not in reality), you have the power to do whatever you want with it. In other words, you CAN CHOOSE how to think about events happening around you.

Do you find yourself having thoughts like these lately?

  • “I am not sure how long this Pandemic is going to last.”

  • “Are we really going to have a vaccine and is it going to work?”

  • “I am wondering if my kids are signing in online class on time?”

  • “Is my husband going to be home on time to take care of kids?”

If your list worries seems endless and you feel like you just can’t take it anymore, read on — I have GREAT NEWS!

Maybe you believe that the pandemic, school closures or a spouse who doesn’t take out the garbage are causing your feelings. But it is your thoughts about those things that cause your feelings. Thoughts and feelings are personal. Things that feel stressful for one person might feel very different for someone else. One parent might worry about schooling their kids at home — while another parent who always wanted to homeschool, but never had the courage  welcomes the opportunity.

Your thoughts cause your feelings. You cannot change everything in your circumstances or what other people do or don’t do. You can, however, learn to change your thoughts. This is a fact! And when you learn this technique and apply it to your life, you can STOP WORRYING and FEEL CALM.

Your feelings drive your actions. When you feel good, you do the things that help you move forward. When you worry and feel bad, you stay stuck and most likely do nothing.

I can teach you the technique to choose your feelings by changing your thinking, no matter what is going on. When you learn how to process and experience the feelings you currently have, it opens up a new door to solve your problems. Then, you can be intentional and decide how you want to feel.

Stopping the worry and feeling calm is the key to achieving whatever you want. It sounds simple but not easy to put it into practice. You need to understand the anatomy of "worry’"and then have a game plan. That is what I do in my coaching. You bring your worrisome thoughts and we together can transform those thoughts and turn them into wanted thoughts that will make you feel so much better and more powerful!

Here's what some of my clients say:

  • “My son noticed positive changes in me since I started coaching with you.”

  • “I have never felt this calm and happy in my whole life.”

  • “I feel calmer and happier more often than before”

  • “Now, I get inspired to do what I want to do.”

  • “It is amazing that I am not anxious about changing and starting a new job.”

You, too, can experience what my clients are experiencing. Contact me for a free 30-minute discovery session.


Wisdom For Parents During Crisis


Good News!