Moving Forward to an Exciting Year


Did life just happen this year? What was it like? For most of us, it's one of the toughest years we have ever experienced. The pandemic affected every area of our life. Because of social distancing, we were disconnected from people (unless it was by Zoom). Some of us continued to have a job working at home. But at home, we were running into each other.

When the pandemic started, it was hard to imagine we could continue with all these changes for more than a few weeks. Yet, here we are, many months later, with Christmas just around the corner. Even though we experienced challenges that sometimes felt overwhelming, we can be thankful we are here now. Let’s stop to look back and reflect on how we lived this year. Despite all the worry and uncertainty, we still made it this far.

We have a tendency to worry about the future and regret the past. We faced unexpected challenges this year, for sure, and we don't know what's ahead. There are many things about our circumstances that we can't control — but we can manage our thoughts. Our thoughts create feelings — feelings create actions — and actions lead to results. The results in our lives are the evidence of our thoughts.

We can't do anything to change the past, but we can create an exciting future with our thoughts. It may seem a little early, but I would like to suggest you start thinking now with excitement for the next year to come. Let’s think ahead with a bright feeling and move forward.

Here are some questions we can ask ourselves to move forward in the new year:

  • How can I make next year better than this year?

  • How can I live my best life?

  • How can I make my future more exciting than my past?

  • What impossible goal I can set for next year?

  • What kind of actions do I need to take to achieve an impossible goal?

Contact me to schedule a free discovery session to get ready for an exciting new year with Moving Forward Mindset coaching!


4 Steps to Feeling Peaceful During the Holidays